God are you ignoring me? 

You ever feel like what you have been through is meaningless? Many years wasted with a certain additcion or stuck in a relationship that seems mundane and lifeless. You have prayed with no answer and persevered despite the desire to give up. It seems that God is ignoring you right? It feels asif he has more important duties in the world to deal with, after all there is far bigger issues than a wrong relationship or addicitons, or what about those family issues and financial troubles? Doesn’t God have wars to deal with and the poor to feed? 
If we believe that our struggles are un-important to God then we are painting a wrong picture of him. 2 things to consider when this belief is trying to knock on the door of your heart. 1) never forget that Jesus first miracle was at a wedding turning water to wine. The God who came to save humanity from sin still considered sparing the shame and embarrassment of the master of ceremony and the guests important. 2) if a sparrow cannot hit the ground without Gods attention, don’t you think he is paying attention to you!. So now we know that jesus takes time for a miracle at a wedding and has his eye even on the sparrow, lets look at you and me.

It seems that when hard times come God is hard to find. We scrape the doors of heaven with our torn finger nails and there seems to be no response. God why you ignoring me? We turn to the bible but we just want him to show up and embrace us and tell us it will be okay. We have had this affection by our own loved ones but it seems at times that God does not want to embrace his children. It is important to remember that God is consistently good and that character trait will never change because God is good. When he seemingly witholds his affection it is always for our long term good. If God mollycoddles us every time we struggle then we would never grow up in our faith, we would stay as children in faith and always keep craving the baby milk of Gods word. God doesn’t want to leave us as a baby, he wants us to grow and become strong in him. He can be seemingly distant and withold his affection because he sees the end result of our faith. He is the author and perfector of our faith so we can trust that God knows what he is doing.

When we can’t hear Gods voice through the noise of our circumstance, we need to keep trusting in what we already know about him. That he is always with us (matthew 28:18-20) that he will shield us (Psalm 28:7) that he will guide us (Psalm 32:8) and that he is always good and his love endures forever (Psalm 100:5). These few truths can block the voice of the enemy and keep our souls steadfast through the storms that we face. Why does it seem God is ignoring me? Because God knows we are ready for the next step in our faith, he knows we are ready to grow.

Bible reading: Hebrews 12:2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, amd sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Prayer: Dear heavenly father, thank you that even though you seem so distant you are right by my side as you have promised to always be. Help me trust in you when life becomes too much for me to handle, I know that you can handle anything so I surrender this situation… to you and pray that you will sustain me. In Jesus name amen.


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